Jared Polin: FroKnowsPhoto.com

Photographer: Jared Polin
If you haven’t heard of Jared Polin then you may have surely seen his work from magazines like Rolling Stone and Spin Magazine. With his website entitled  FroKnowsPhoto, Jared has dedicated his time teaching novice and seasoned photographers photo tips, camera techniques and online promotions. In addition he also hosts special events offering a special “Boot Camp” training. The training runs as an 8 hour hands-on experience in which Jared instructs step by step on capturing the best photos with your camera. These boot camps are held across the United States and are on a first come first serve basis.

Since many photographers are not able to travel to his special boot camp events. At FroKnowsPhoto, you can actually purchase or download his 3 hour guide. In which Jared will show you step by step through four unique photo sessions. He covers all important features including aperture adjustment, blowing out backgrounds and composition. For a fun and well worth learning experience you can purchase his video guide at FroKnowsPhoto.com.

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