About Artistneed.com

Artistneed.com's Goal

Our goal is to provide artists with simple and accessible resources related to their craft or skill. We also look to offer artists opportunities in presenting their work by entering contests and advertising their products and services to gain exposure. Artistneed also offers artists with resources in managing their own GDI websites including information and guides for beginning artists.

In addition visitors are invited to sign up
as a member or as an Artistneed Team Member through Global Domains International. GDI offers websites and provides members the opportunity to also earn residual income from helping others join. In addition to joining through Artistneed you get full access to the member's area and guides to helping your new online business with Artistneed and GDI. Find out more about GDI here!

 What is it all about?

In 2008, Artistneed began as a simple online artist resource site that provided articles, tutorials, an e-book store and a place to post your artwork. A very good number of people signed up for our newsletter and where encouraged to submit their ideas and thoughts about the website. Ideas poured in with suggestions, comments and requests for providing artists with opportunities. Some requested for alternative products and resources, building websites, resume building, legal forms, checklists and even tips and techniques. All artists are encouraged to share their ideas in making this site useful.

Many friends within our artist community expressed their ideas about how to make this site beneficial for artists. Some have expressed that paying a fee of $25 or higher for 3 images are simply paying for a rejection letter from a gallery when submitting to art contests. Also artists would like to know where their submission fee goes too. Many have expressed that all artists should be given the chance to exhibit their work, to gain exposure, and a chance to be rewarded for it. Artistneed uses submission fees and portions them toward prizes and keeping the site running.

Our Art Contests

Our Contests are divided by themes or topics. This gives artists the freedom to choose a contest of choice. The submission fee is $10.00 for 1 submission toward one contest. These contests are ongoing until the slots are filled. There are 40 slots available for each contest. Members are able to submit to monthly contests for free and 50% off for featured contests. Portions of the fee go toward maintaining the site and future prizes.  Click here to view our featured contests!

About our Member's Area

When you sign up with our Artistneed/GDI Team you not only have the opportunity to earn residual income but you get exclusive access to all available resources. From downloadable content, tutorials, online products, discounts and monthly art contests for prizes.
Updates are made every month and member's who sign up are encouraged to utilize the information and resources to their artistic careers.

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