Artistneed, GDI and the Artist

The integration between Artistneed and GDI came about through the idea that Artists are always looking to collaborate with each other. Artists network and share their ideas to help spread their work to the community. I have mentioned that the goal of Artistneed is to provide resources, guides and opportunities for artists to use to help them create financial stability through the internet using the GDI System. But how? What can you do with your site? What does Artistneed do to help?

When you join GDI and become an Artistneed Team Member you become a key component to building a community of artists helping artists. You are given the tools and resources to build a site to help others who will also benefit from it. You will learn from an Artistneed Team Sponsor who will help you with any questions and who will collaborate with you, advertise with you and earn with you so that you are prepared to help other artists as well. It is time for artists to take advantage of the opportunities that will become a big part of their careers.

Your new website is your plot of land to start your new online venture as an Artistneed Team Member or your own personal online business. There is a key component to making this venture work for you. It is one important “need” for having any website and that is “traffic”. Traffic is the key to being successful in any online venture. With your new website you have a product (GDI) a resource ( and guidance (your sponsor). But how do you build traffic with Artistneed? Its simple, its called linking. Every thing on the internet is linked to something, that’s how traffic flows. If you are not linking then you are not going anywhere.

When you become a GDI Artistneed Team Member you need to take advantage of your site builder, your word press blog, your social networking sight, your article marketing and so forth and make sure that you are linking them together and to one another. And be sure to link with Artistneed as well, why? Because your website is placed on our link rotator that way when visitors sign up it will be on your landing page. Now, picture hundreds of artists doing the same all linking to each other driving traffic to their website, helping others and gaining residual income from the GDI Affiliate program.

The GDI program is a simple program to follow and many individuals are utilizing this product to help build their new online venture. Be sure to check out or if you are ready to be part of the team you can go to the Join now menu at the top. Best to you all!

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