May 7th Event for Leukemia Charity

At the time of adversity, we need to provide all the help we can give to the people, who are fighting against the death. Your Donations can save someone's life.
Your support will go a long way in helping local people beat there battles or prolong their lives living with leukemia & other blood diseases.
Media Arrow is trying its best to help, How about you? will be Raising Money for the Charity through its shows. Help those patients. The Money from the show will go towards the charity.
Donate Here:
Sponsor The Event Here:
Or Buy The Ticket Here:
Help Anyway you can, Performers will be helping by performing at the event, you can help by coming to the event. Ticket Sales will also go towards the Charity. This is a 21 & Older Event.
All the Donors & Sponsors name will be announced in the Show & the Major Donors will receive a space on the flyers, press & the website.
Thanks Again For your Help!

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